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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  November 23, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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>> this is a fox report. our ally israel said do not make a deal with iran the holiday season of worry. millions of americans scrambling to find melting care as the white house makes a political move for obama care. >> the wheels are falling off. >> and now a warning signs that were ignored and yes, it was before the website was launched. also on on
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you take me up. >> a passenger goes beserk and threatens to detonate a bomb as authorities scramble. >> and a good samaritan. how one man can make a difference. i am harris faulkner. will united states and allies do a deal with iran tonight? secretary of state john kery and five other world powers are in geneva trying to prevent iran to from building a nuclear people and we are monitoring the talks that ended a short time ago. there could be meetings going on behind closed doors. it is day four of what was supposed to be two days of talks. there are reports of progress
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being made but the deputy foreign minister said there will be no deal if they refuse to the right of urainium. as we have reported, our allies in the middle east are skeptical to say the least. israel prime minister netanyahu call any agreement for iran a bad deal for the world. molly has been following the developments all day long from washington. >> reporter: a lot of meetings but not signals indicating whether a deal would be roached. top diplomats from u.s., and germany and russia and they are pushing to curve the nuclear activities in return for the international community to lift
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the sanctions against iowa ran. iowa ran has been struggling under the weight of the international sanctions. and today secretary of state john kerry met with iran's foreign minister. he said that allowing iran to continue the uranium program is awe nonnegotiatable. >> and it we will not accept anything else. we have the right. the right needs to be respected >> it is a right. >> at this point secretary kerry is still scheduled to leave geneva tomorrow. >> one of the things we have watched to take shape.
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>> republican members of congress said it doesn't make sense to allow iran to continue to enrich uranium and lift the sanctions is >> we are signaling and saw that the a yatollla h. we are signaling that we are releasing the pressure valve. >> israel prime minister netanyahu pressed secretary kerry to increase sanctions on iran and not weaken them. >> it is serious to see the white house loosening the reigns on this. >> now the fate of the doctor who helped to trackdown the most wanted man in history.
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he's now facing murder charges on top of the 33-year-old prison sentence he's serving for conspiring against the state. the doctor has been imprisonned since the daring raid made against osama bin laden. the latest charge is unrelated to bin laden. the pakistani court charges him from murder where he tried to save a little by from a pent situs. and the group trying to free the doctor said the latest charge is ridiculous. >> it is a sham on the part of the pakistanis to humiliate and embarrass the united states. and they are extorting continuing amounts of dollars. to the billions that we send them for being bad partners.
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>> and since may of 2011, the united states gave pakistan more than 4.6 billion in aid. one ray of light for the doctor, a pakistani judge over turned the original sentence and ordered a new trial. well, it is a rough woke for the white house and the president's affordable care act. and the new report lays out how unprepared the companies apparently were just prior to launch day. we have learned a preflight check list was done by a government contractor and found half of the tested features on the website were not working. this despite the fact that the government had three years to build the thing. elizabeth? >> just how many red flags were raised before the roll out of
4:07 pm it shows 41 out of 91 contractor functions were still not working and list dozens of defects and some were critical. such as an incapacity to handle heavy traffic or allowing the consumers to browse. this is internal documents that indicated the testing time frame was not adequate. the white house acknowledged the roll out is imperfect. and this year's enrollment is december 23rd and next year 2015. and senate republicans say this is playing politics to midterm elections. ndemocrats are learning that holy cow. millions of policies cancelled and who many. it would be enough to swing the election. >> the administration said this
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gives the consumer more time. >> there will be substantial numbers of people enrolling and this gives them more time to assess the pool of people. >> they are still deciding on whether or not to go along with the instructions to let the consumers keep the insurance plan for one more year. harris, back to you. >> a fox weather report. a storm churning with arizona in its path. snow and features weather. new mexico and texas and california hit hard. the weather has already caused eight deaths. it is expected to sweep over the atlantic nation to the east coast. and so now the pressure is on as millions of people hit the road. nterrible timing and i want to
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point out where we have dangerous temperatures in the northern plains and midwest and wind chills below 0. and it is dangerous. feels like six in minneapolis and minus three in fargo and duluth. the storm will continue to move oast ward. and we have lake- effect snow in the great lakes and snow flakes and south and east as new york city. but the main event in the southeast. moisture in texas where we could see a quarter of inch of ice on the road ways on sunday and monday. dangerous. and that is the main event. there is heavy amounts of now. we'll watch that moisture in the central parts of texas. some areas could get freezing
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rain and or sloet. you will not be able to travel in these areas sunday and monday, harris and we have winter weather advisory stretched over the central u.s. wednesday's travel. this low will move eastward and push offshore. that will be the coastal event. whether it will hug the coast or offshore it is yet to be determined. wednesday is the busiest travel day and that's where we will see wind drin rain and snow in the northeast all day wednesday and thursday. and the temperatures are going to drop significantly and it will be cold in the northeast for thanksgiving. something we'll monitor this weekend and bring you the latest. we'll have to hone in on those computer models to tell you what is going to happen. east coast millions of people
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affected on wednesday. >> last weekend you reported twisters and we covered all of that heat related. >> for summer like. >> and now completely opposite. >> yes, what a difference a week makes. >> i saw a lot of purple. that means cold and a lot of snow. right now, looking for answers after a prank call and car accident sparked chaos in a busy airport. in minutes, what we are learning. an army colonel stepped down after something she said about pretty women. stay close. [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. no.
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stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. we pull our seafood from the best waters on earth... like the cold alaskan seas. it's the cleanes clearest water. a haven for crab. [ male announcer ] and the unspoiled cst of maine. maine lobster is the tastiest, the sweetest. [ male announcer ] we serve it the only way seafood should be... prepared to order by experts. if i wouldn't eat it, i'm not gonna serve it. [ le announcer nd delivered hot from our kitchen, right your table.
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♪ that's how sea food differently. now get ten dollars off any two seafood bakes, crabr lobster entrees. >> an army colonel in trouble for comments. and she was leading the army's gender integration study and an internal e-mail.
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the colonel said ugly women are perceived as competent and pretty women are using their looks to get a head. and that e-mail asked the army to use pictures of average- looking women. and that cornell's e-mail created a fire storm when it went public. he resigned to protect the integrity of all women. operations are getting back to normal. and first there was a car crash in the parking garage. the noise was mistaken for gunfire. and meanwhile next door in terminal four there was a pafrng call reporting a gun men. and the memory of a deadly
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shooting fresh on people's minds. and all of this is happening as a different u.s. airport hundreds of miles away was a scene of another serving incident. dom nick is looking into us. >> it is a nightmare aboard the spirit air flight. a man broke out in a frenzy and shouted out things that struck fear in the hearts of passengers. if you can't i will blow the plane up. >> thank.fully no bomb was foun. the man showed unruly behavior. he may have had a mental illness. >> this guy. i mean he upset a lot of people
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and put the fear of god in a lot of people. you could tell he was on something or a psychiatric problem. >> that was the first scare of the woke week. and over here in the west coast at lax. more fear and panic with reports of shots being foured and that happen three short weeks. november 1st and a gunman open the fire in terminal three. it was a noisy traffic accident caused by a medical emergency. some mistook the loud crash as gunfire. >> officerless reported and people reported a shooting in terminal five. officers responded to address that particular issue. people fled out of the terminal. >> there was an anonymous prank call reporting a weapon in term
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nol four. two terminals evacuated and thankfully no gunman found. everything back to normal in lax. and over the traffic this weekend. harris that caused a lot of disruption. nimagine people's nerves. that is just nerve wracking. you heardom mention this and shooting in lax that happen earlier this month. the autopsy showed that the tsa officer killed that day was shot 12 times. hernandez had 40 bullet fragments in his body. and that was the scene in terminal three. a man with a vendetta with the federal government pulled out a rifle and started shooting. two other tsa employees and a passenger was hit. the suspect is charged with murder.
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ncriminals going on line to intimidate witnesses. what is done to stop it? we'll take a look. >> new words about warning signs that the obama administration ignored. helping so many of you getting cheaper and better insurance coverage. as your life changes, fidelity is there r your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change and kids head off to college, and revisit your investments as retirement gets closer. wherever you are today, fidelity's guidance can help you fine-tune your personal economy. start today with a free one-on-one review of your retirement plan.
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>> attacking and sometimes threatening people on line. we heard about cyber bullying and now hard-core criminals are taking intimidation through to the next level. and harris in the past pictures.
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and popping up on street corners and telephone polls. and today using social media site. it is easier to intemidate witnesses. witness imtimidation. and consider this in philly. it is the account more than 30 witnesses. and a posting witness photos. and so far no arrest have been made. and the da's office filled thousand intimidation cases since 2010. >> every viulent crime case. all of those you have witness
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intimidation. and there is an increase in the use of social media to do intimidation. >> one retired philadelphia judge wrote the manual. and the down sides of the internet it makes it anonymous and make it difficult. she urges sunglass to ban cell phones and sunglasses and attire in courtrooms. >> witness intimidation is chilling. it is beyond chilling. it shuts down the system. when witnesses will not come forward and testify, justice is not done. >> social media and up to facebook and twitter. and they have specific policies in place to deal with law enforcement request. brian, thank you very much.
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law enforcement trying to keep a synthetic norm of marijuana nou known on the street as spice. we'll see how the law is trying to wipe the growing problem off of the street. >> detectives focused on a looked door in the back. and it is a search warrant. >> back room secure they find drug items and pact packets of spice behind the counter. >> they are trying to market to kids. >> stark raving dead airs tonight on fox news channel.
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president obama is taking heat over several problems related to the signaturere law. could the back lash over obama care hit the democrats at the polls. and police chasing after a suspect and getting unexpected help. look at that guy. my mantra? family first. but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron. the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to rmal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than8 or men with prostate or breast caer. and children should avoido are contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puber in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur.
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>> i am harris faulkner, this is the fox report and this is the bottom of the hour. if you are just joining us. we'll catch you up. day four on iowa ran's nuclear program. and secretary kerry and other diplomats are focusing on a draft agreement. iowa ran said there will be no deal if the west refuses to recognize the right to enrich uranium. israel said a deal would be bad for the rest of the world. singer willie nelson suspended the tour after three band members were hurt in a crash. it is just north of dallas in stormy weather. two other band members with minor injures and that accident by the way forced them to suspend tour dates through the
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end of the month. and the this is a powerful storm hitting the country. the southwest, hit with it. texas, and new mexico and arizona hit by rain. >> and that is a thousand people are traveling on the busiest day of the year. >> we'll turn and the white house is delaying a part of obama care for political reasons. the president decided to delay enrollment. and the administration is and delayed by one month. and that is november 15th of next year. if you got the calendar out there is 11 days after the midterm election. the administration said it was
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begin time to prepare for the onslaught of new customers. and if so, could it work in joining me now chief correspondent and a fox news contractor. and good to have you a long. what is the white house doing? it is a game and it is not going to work. there is a new wave of sticker shock as people in late next year learn their 2015 insurance rates. it was supposed to happen to october 15th. and there is a whole bit of sticker shock and bad for democrats, and so by putting it off until after election day perhaps that will help. >> i think people are aware of what is going on with obama care and there will be news before
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october 15th of next year about those coming rates. and if they are going to spiral upward as people will, i think they will have a good hand of that before the election. >> i am curious. does this assume americans will have amnessia next november? even if they get it fixed, this is stressful. you have one of those cancellation notices and going in the now year and can't get signed up and how dow fix it yourself. do you think that people will just forget that? >> probably not. the website problems continue. and there is a lot of problems still to come. one of the things we learned this week. the whole back end of the obama care website where people pay for insurance, they haven't built it yet. they built the front door and trying to get people inside. they haven't built the back door yet. you can bet there is problems
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down the line. and the huge, huge problem looming for obama care if it affects the millions of people who have insurance through employers. and if they start cancelling the coverage of the employees and send them to the exchanges where they may face more expensive forces and that could have a huge political affect. there is no way that extending a deadline by a month will change that affect before the 20 2014 election. we'll not see higher taxes trying to pay for this thing are we? >> that is a great question. the law obama care allotted a billion dollars to enact this whole thing. and they are way past that now.
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they are moving money from one account to the other and looking under the cushions of the sofa. you can so the issue where they really need more money to finish the implementation and with republicans in control of the house, that is not going to happen. >> we'll press in on the doper move. and causing the delay after the midterm scomplekz so people don't get caught up to what is happening to them. republicans might have a field day between now and next november. we'll watch and we'll get your response. >> if people anyhow a month before the election, they would at least know and they would have imagination fired by republicans to be very afraid and what you are going to learn after the election because they
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don't want you to know before the election. >> my colleague meggan kelly, what can we expect from the gop. >> george has a good point. the knowledge of what makes obama care, and makes people sensitive to this. republicans in september shut down the government saying it is so terrible we can't let it go in to affect. they were something in prospect and not in people's lives yet. and by a month later after obama care was in their lives and millions of people got cancellation notices. public opinion changed dramatically. and that will be a factor in the next election and if there will be continued problems with obama care. it is not something from october to november will be able to fix for democrats. if the republicans play their cards right and there is
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widespread unhappiness with obama care. it could be a serious problem for democrats in 2014. >> we have other ground to cover. ien if we can pop it up. on our fox it was on the front page, a lot of interest that the story is getting. and people clicking on. this they are wondering if my state is next and nine states rejected the plan to fix the signature health care law after millions of americans received cancellation notices. why are they balking at the president's plan. >> they don't think they can enact it in the game. and insurance systems in the states are run by insurance commissioners in the states who have authority over this and we have seen for and not happy about obama care and both
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rejected the idea and given the fact that insurance companies prepared for years for this date to come. the administration may not have prepared, but insurance companies did and they made all of the changes in the policies and set all of these prices based on a certain set of assumptions and they haven't gone back to change them. the insurance commissioner said it is unworkable and we'll not blow up what is already done. >> americans are caught in the middle television all. >> they heard the term nuclear option. and that is harry reid of nevada made a huge power grab and what happened and why? >> this is big. both sides have fought over the filibuster over a number of years. and that is judicial appointments. and there was a big fight. remember george w. bush fls
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president and republicans controlled the senate. and republicans threatened the nuclear option which is basically break the rules to change the rules to eliminate the filibuster and the republicans backed off and collar heads prevailed. this time democrats threatened and did it. and cooler heads did not prevail. you will so a lot of anger and nuclear situation in the senate that is going to extend to legislation as well. and that is the majority to come up with 60 votes. and that is an important piece of legislation. that is a simple majority and the senate will act like the
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house. they will have to work together. >> it changes the nature of congress. and the members of the house and they are members that are close are to the voters because they are in smaller districts and they run on a simple majority vote. and the changes passions of the electorate. and they have six years terms and a super majority requirement for a lot of big legislation and so the house and the senate was the place in the cliche where they cooled the passions of the house. and that will not happen gentleman. it is the house and it is a real change in the way congress operates. >> that could back four on democrats. it will be used against them. and byron york. thank you for breaking down the woke for us. it is great to be here.
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>> an american war veteran dragged off of a plane after touring. are he is held captive. and no one knows why. and his wife is pleading for him to be freed, next. >> and the good doed that earned a free day in the plush hotel in the cash. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools iroduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked.
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>> a wife is pleading for freedom for her 85-year-old husband who is held captive for reasons no one can confirm. he served in the korean war six decades ago. last month he was dragged off of a flight in pyongyang after a nine day tour of north korea.
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his wife is personally reaching out to north korean leaders and thinks that her husband is a victim of dreadful misunderstanding and asking north korea to return him to his children and grandchildren. and manhunt. after two people were shot a suspect got away. police got help on this one. it is it a top story as we go across america. florida, we are told that suspect took off when a deputy a approached him. the area was under lock down after a man drives his car and starts chasing the suspect and tackling him to the ground. moments later he was in handcuffs. who was that mystery man and he left without giving his name. >> and california, heavy winds
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and sent a tree crashing in a family's home and crushing it. >> it was like a bomb going off and it shook our house and i new. >> that tree landed on my daughter's bed. still in the house, the family cat. he was trapped and got out hours later. >> you are okay. >> and family is just happy that everyone is all right. >> it is it a moment to make me feel alive and grateful. >> and also in california, a big day for hannah shirrley. a pigme hippo who hit the 40 mark. hannah is the oldest hippo and spent time with her pals in ramona where she lives. >> they have ducks. and she lets them eat out of her
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food dish and share the pool. >> happy big 40 hannah. >> and a hotel in atlanta is thanking a homeless man who returned a wallet. it belonged to a guest from france. and this is security photos that shoes joe hartman leaving it at holtz and walked away. >> i was riding the bus and the girl who rides the bus with me. i think someone is looking for you. and it was an opportunity to do the right thing. >> the hotel gave him a room for doing the right thing and he has it through thanksgiving and $500 in cash. he tipped the room service attendant. they are working on establishing a fund to help get hart man back on his feet. that is the spirit of the season. >> after a devastating punch of
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nature. police in philippines are turning to a national boxing hero for inspiration. >> and slamming brakes on high speed pursuit. stopping crim names and doing it without jeopardizing innocent lives along the way. e perfecty beginsith her arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that'swo more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain when jamie says... what's that, like six pills tod? yeah. i could take two ale for all day relief. really? and... and that's it. [ male announcer ] this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now chse aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy open red arthritis cap.
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neement -- people in the philippines getting a distraction. it will be in a form of a boxing match. manny pa cio, volunteers cleaned up the dome and put up giant screens in the stadium and town
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to make sure they can watch the fight. he is a national hero there and this was a come back fight following a knock out last year. he promiseed to bring aid to the disaster area. snfrjts authorities in four states now are going high-tech to nab fleeing criminals. the results can be deadly. someone is killed each day and it is not the bad guy. innocent motorist make up 42 percent of those killed. and they are looking for alternativ alternatives. >> i am worried about the innocent person going through an intersection or light. >> that's why the iowa state
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patrol is experimenting with a miniair cannon. it fires a gps equipment that is designed to stick to the back of the vehicle. the suspect is tracked by satellite. troopers have shot twice so far and two for two in arrest. what would be a tra degreesal pursought and run it differently and run it and lower the risk and allows them to make better decisions. there are limitations and when the free car is swerving and turning. they have missed on four of the 15 shops. still vihave seen demonstrations and are considering it.
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>> going to reduce the number of pursuits a year. >> and this technology is not cheap and the gpa units cost $250 a pop. and roars she there is one fatality and it could save lives. and iran said it will not agree to any deal that does not recognize the right to enrich uranium. and we will now check back in on the talks on geneva. >> and the whole story in case you missed it. ♪ [ chicken caws ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums.
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eartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! we pull our seafood from the best waters on earth... like the cold alaskan seas. it's the cleanes clearest water. a haven for crab. [ male announcer ] and the unspoiled cst of maine. maine lobster is the tastiest, the sweetest. [ male announcer ] we serve it the only way seafood should be... prepared to order by experts. if i wouldn't eat it, i'm not gonna serve it. [ le announcer nd delivered hot from our kitchen, right your table. ♪ that's how sea food differently. now get ten dollars off any two seafood bakes, crabr lobster entrees.
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>> an unclaimed 16 million winning lottery ticket is worthless. it is cold in a tampa bay store. and the winner had 180 days to claim the price. no one came forward and that ticket expired on friday. they got a 25,000 bonus just for selling. it international talks ended on the fourth day for the day. hours ago between the u.s. and iran. and no word on whether there is a deal but a draft agreement is being looked at. a pakistani doctor who is charged with murder and his attorney and american sopters called the charges absurd. >> and a storm system responsible for eight deaths at
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least already. snow falling in parts of arizona and this is supposed to work its way toward the coast just in time for the wednesday travel. >> and on this day in 1963. dr. who delivered a dose of british sci- fi literature. is there a doctor in the house. the reunion celebration in london. i never heard of it. and the newsroom got all excited and this takes you back in time. it was a humanoid alien. and battling to save sufficientlization. dr. who's voyages ran for 25 years and developed a cult following and inspiring generations of sci fi fans for
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the past 50 years and that's how fox reports this saturday. i am harris faulkner. huckabee in a live edition tonight. i will run over to the studio to see it happen. >> tonight on huckabee, another obama care delay with enrollment pushed back until the midterm elections. >> it is a political ploy by the administration to hide the additional sticker shock. and people will see through this. >> but do republicans have a better plan? congresswoman michelle bachmann joins mike huckabee tonight. plus, will your insurance get cancelled? and will your


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